作为一名癌症研究人员,您对一个根除了癌症的世界的憧憬让您不懈努力。我们深知您所面临的挑战,想让您的科研之旅变得容易一些,使您可以最大限度地利用样本、时间、数据和技术等资源。让我们携手阔步向前,努力实现一个脱离癌症无情掌控的未来。对每一位研究人员、每一位患者、每一条受影响的生命而言,我们是您坚定不移的盟友,我们对您的承诺是, 无论您何时需要,我们始终与您在一起。

- 在Luminex®仪器上开展MILLIPLEX®多重免疫测定
- 癌症多重检测
- 细胞信号多重检测
- 免疫学多重检测
- Single Molecule Counting (SMC®)技术
- 酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)试剂盒
- 如何使用GenElute™-E单次离心纯化试剂盒制备DNA和RNA
Demo video showing how to purify DNA and RNA GenElute™-E single spin nucleic acid purification kits.
- MULTI-seq Sample Multiplexing for Single Cell Analysis and Sequencing
Use of MULTI-seq lipid-modified oligos, protocol, and troubleshooting guide for PCR Assays and Sequencing applications.
- Autophagy in Cancer Promotes Therapeutic Resistance
This article provides insight into the mechanisms by which autophagy can protect cancer cells from the effects of anticancer treatments.
- Single-Cell Resolution Discovery
CRISPR lentiviral screening libraries, partnered with 10x Genomics, offer powerful research tools for pooled screening.
- CRISPR Essentials: MISSION® CRISPR gRNAs, Cas9 and Related Products
比较和对比各种用于体外和体内 CRISPR 实验的向导 RNA (gRNA) 和 Cas9 产品特征。
- The Researcher’s Guide to Designing CRISPR and RNAi Screening Experiments
This screening guide covers how to choose a cell line, a screening library, and experimental conditions as well as tips for designing and performing your experiment.
- 增强抗体验证
- Prestige Antibodies® in Breast Cancer Research
Browse Human Protein Atlas; Prestige Antibodies®; Polyclonals and Monoclonals; Clinical Markers; Antibodies used in breast cancer research.
- 胃肠道癌症中的免疫组织化学应用
- Immunohistochemistry Applications in Breast Cancer
- Tissue Markers for Cancer Diagnostics
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) represents an indispensable tool in cancer diagnostics.
- Overview of Luminex® Multiplex Assay Technology
Discover the benefits of MILLIPLEX® multiplex assays, based on Luminex® xMAP® multiplex assay technology, that provide consistent, high-quality results. See how these multiplex biomarker Luminex® assays are being used to advance research for immunology, cancer, veterinary medicine, metabolism/endocrinology, and more.
- Multiplexing Cancer & Metastasis Signaling Pathways
Learn how multiplexing with MILLIPLEX® multiplex assays can help simplify cancer research by measuring multiple circulating biomarkers at once. Find multiplex panels to analyze JAK-STAT, mTOR, MAPK, SAPK, TGFβ signaling pathways, and more.
- Autoantibody Multiplex Analysis
Multiplex analysis of autoantibodies, such as MILLIPLEX® multiplex assays, helps advance research by detecting multiple autoantibodies like cytokine autoantibodies, autoimmune autoantibodies, and cancer autoantibodies at once to give researchers a full picture of analyte concentrations.
- Multiplex Cancer Assays for Cancer Biomarker Detection
Detection of cancer biomarkers through multiplex cancer assays can accelerate studies of normal homeostasis and tumorigenic processes. See how MILLIPLEX® multiplex cancer assays are advancing various cancer research areas including lung cancer, breast cancer, and immuno-oncology research.
- Multiplex Cancer Assays for Cancer Biomarker Detection
Detection of cancer biomarkers through multiplex cancer assays can accelerate studies of normal homeostasis and tumorigenic processes. See how MILLIPLEX® multiplex cancer assays are advancing various cancer research areas including lung cancer, breast cancer, and immuno-oncology research.
- Multiplexing Cancer & Metastasis Signaling Pathways
Learn how multiplexing with MILLIPLEX® multiplex assays can help simplify cancer research by measuring multiple circulating biomarkers at once. Find multiplex panels to analyze JAK-STAT, mTOR, MAPK, SAPK, TGFβ signaling pathways, and more.
- Western Blotting Sample Preparation
Rules and good practice in sample preparation for Western blot sample preparation from cell culture and tissue samples.
- Auto2D® Automated 2-D Gel Electrophoresis Device
The Auto2D® Automated 2-D Electrophoresis Device fully automates difficult 2D electrophoresis methods in a quick, easy, and reproducible way. Locate difficult-to-find proteins using the Auto2D® system in less than two hours with high reproducibility.
- Fatty Acid Synthesis in Cancer Cells
Fatty acid synthesis supports cancer cell proliferation, essential for membrane generation, protein modification, and bioenergetics.
- Angiostatin and Endostatin: Key Players in a Dual Threat Approach to Cancer Treatment
Anticancer drugs development - natural and synthetic angiogenesis inhibitors.
- 使用基于聚集诱导发射(AIE Dot)纳米技术的生物相容性荧光纳米颗粒对癌症和干细胞进行长期活细胞追踪
可用于标记细胞和脉管系统以进行长期活细胞跟踪和追踪实验的生物相容性有机荧光纳米颗粒(AIE Dots)。
- How to Optimize the Duolink® Proximity Ligation Assay
To successfully execute a Duolink® PLA experiment, there are some necessary considerations to properly prepare for, setup, and execute the assay protocol.
- Prestige Antibodies® Cancer Body Infographic
A schematic summarizing a selection of monoclonal antibodies from Prestige Antibodies® classified as prognostic genes with regard to cancer type and association with favorable or unfavorable clinical outcomes.
- Cancer Research Workflow
Overview of key products supporting advanced modelling and profiling tools for cancer research.
- Cancer Pathways with MILLIPLEX® Kits
Overview of circulating biomarkers, phosphorylated, or total proteins in cancer and metastasis signaling pathways.
- Immuno-Oncology: Antigen Panel Cell Lines
Cell-based assays for CAR/TCR therapeutic screening, checkpoint inhibitor development, or target cell lines for potency assays in clinical development.
- Cancer Metabolism Research
Our comprehensive brochure designed to assist you in navigating our diverse range of cancer metabolite products and provide support for your cancer research specialization.