Duolink®邻位连接检测(PLA)实现了对内源性蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(PPI)和翻译后修饰的研究,为单一事件提供了可通过显微镜或流式细胞仪进行可视化的荧光信号。为了实现对蛋白质间相互作用的研究,Duolink® PLA技术使用了一对带有寡核苷酸标记的抗体,当它们相距在40nm以内时,可进行滚圈扩增并在添加标记探针后产生特异性荧光信号。
Duolink® PLA可提供四种不同颜色的荧光用于流式细胞仪和显微镜检测,对细胞中多组蛋白质间的相互作用实现可视化。借助Duolink® PLA技术的放大能力和诸多优势,发现任何科研突破机会:
- 可视化蛋白互作——包括稳定和瞬时两种
- 可视化翻译后修饰
- 检测内源蛋白——无需表达或遗传操作
- 高特异性——使用两种抗体/探针消除假阳性
- 无需特殊设备——可提供基于标准免疫荧光和流式细胞术的方法
Duolink® PLA产品
- Duolink® PLA入门试剂盒 包含您进行荧光实验必需的所有试剂,可分析多达30个样品。
- Duolink® 探针标记试剂盒 能够将 PLA寡核苷酸 (PLUS 或 MINUS) 偶联到任何抗体上。
- Duolink® PLA多色试剂盒可通过显微镜实现多组PPI的可视化。
- Duolink® 流动PLA检测试剂盒 能使用四种颜色(绿色、橙色、红色和远红)进行流式细胞术应用。
- Duolink® PLA明场检测 包含用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记的寡核苷酸探针,可同光学显微镜使用。
- Application Note: An Introduction to Duolink® PLA
Duolink® PLA protein detection technology is based on in situ proximity ligation assay (PLA), and allows for the detection, visualization, and quantification of protein expression, protein-protein interactions, and post-translational modifications, in unmodified cells and tissue samples within a matter of hours.
- Duolink®邻位连接检测操作视频
本视频将逐步向您展示如何使用已固定和透化的玻片细胞进行Duolink® PLA邻位检测实验。
- Application Note: How to Optimize the Duolink® Proximity Ligation Assay
To successfully execute a Duolink® PLA experiment, there are some necessary considerations to properly prepare for, setup, and execute the assay protocol.
- Brochure: Amplified Detection Duolink® Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA)
Rely on Duolink® PLA to amplify protein signals by 1000x, allowing you to visually detect proteins and their interactions, all with a straightforward protocol.
- Application Note: Duolink® PLA Probemaker Guide
This guide describes the use of the Duolink® In Situ Probemaker for the conjugation of PLA oligonucleotides (PLUS or MINUS) to any antibody for use in Duolink® PLA experiments.
- Flyer: Duolink® Flow Cytometry
Traditional flow cytometry has been limited in the ability to detect protein interactions and low abundant proteins events — until now.
- Duolink® PLA Fluorescence Protocol
This protocol describes the use of Duolink® PLA reagents for the immunofluorescent detection, visualization, and quantification of individual proteins, protein modifications, and protein interactions in tissue and cell samples.
- Duolink® PLA Brightfield Protocol
This protocol describes the use of Duolink® PLA reagents for the brightfield detection, visualization, and quantification of individual proteins, protein modifications, and protein interactions in tissue and cell samples.