
Mobius®ADC 反应器:适用于生物偶联的一次性可扩展混合系统系列
- 可选规格有 10 升、100 升和 500 升
- 一次性组件与 DMAc 和 DMSO 等溶剂的兼容性经过验证,可保证产品质量
- 根据连接要求进行设计,配备额外端口以实现客制化原料处理

Ready to Connect 控制箱
Mobius® 混合仪和 Mobius® ADC 反应器可通过 Ready to Connect 控制箱进行本地或远程监控。
对于 Mobius® MIX 和 Power MIX,搭载了 Bio4C ACE™ 控制软件 的智能控制箱可远程监控关键工艺参数,提供先进的工艺控制,并有助于在混合操作过程中遵守合规要求。
一次性混合袋由 PureFlex™ 或 Ultimus® 薄膜制成。PureFlex™ 系列一次性工艺容器薄膜具有高纯度、医用级和共挤等特性,可提供强度、柔韧性、出色的气体阻隔性能和惰性接触性能。此外,Ultimus®薄膜专为更具挑战性的一次性生物处理液体应用而设计,提高了耐用性,同时保持了一次性生物处理所需的易操作性、灵活度和一致性。
- Data Sheet: Mobius® Power MIX Single-use Mixing System
The Mobius® Power MIX single-use mixing systems combine high performance mixing technology with design features that make them easy-to-use. The impeller design and motor are based on our magnetically coupled NovAseptic® mixing technology, a proven mixing technology in stainless steel tanks.
- Data Sheet: Mobius® Single-use Mixing Solution
The Mobius® MIX single-use mixing solution delivers advanced technology for mixing pharmaceutical ingredients from intermediate to final drug products and for the preparation of process solutions, such as buffers and media.
- Data Sheet: Mobius® ADC Reactor
A scalable family of single-use mixers perfected for bioconjugation.
- Article: Mobius® ADC Reactor Components Chemical Compatibility
It is important to evaluate the compatibility of the single-use components of an equipment dedicated to conjugation such as the Mobius® ADC reactor.
- Technical Brief: Mobius® ADC Reactor for Conjugation
The Mobius® ADC Reactor is designed to meet the precise demands of bioconjugation.
- Infographic: Single-use benefits for ADC manufacturing
The Mobius® ADC Reactor allows for flexible manufacturing that reduces risk and waste for maximum efficiency.
- Application Note: Comparison Between Experimental Data and Computational Fluid Dynamics in Mixing Applications
In biomanufacturing processes, mixing is ubiquitous. Examples include buffer and media preparation, stirred tank bioreactor/fermentor operation, virus inactivation, DNA digestion, final formulation and beyond.
- Technical Brief: Mobius® MIX500 Disposable Mixing System Characterization
The need for faster cycle times and higher levels of operational flexibility has accelerated the adoption of single-use processing solutions in the biopharmaceutical industry.
- Application Note: Mobius® Power MIX: Scalability in Mixing
The Mobius® Power MIX single-use systems provide an effective mixing platform for biopharmaceutical manufacturing in a range of sizes including 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 L.
- Application Note: Compatibility of a Mobius® Single-use Solution for ADC Processing
Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) are a class of biomolecules that has seen rapid growth as an oncology therapeutic.
- Application Note: Mobius® Single-use Mixing Solution Characterizing Liquid Blend Times Versus Viscosity
This technical study characterizes the liquid blend time for each Mobius® single-use mixing system at a range of volumes, RPM, and viscosities, using a pH shift technique.