

CRISPR / Cas9是一种靶向基因组编辑工具,最早在细菌中发现,它包含两种成分:向导RNA(gRNA)和Cas9核酸酶。

CRISPR CAS9蛋白必备品和服务的终极套装

随着基因组工程技术的进步,从治疗遗传疾病到开发抗病作物,研究者在各个领域都取得前所未有的突破。我们可靠的CRISPR Cas9蛋白必备品和工具全面支持从实验室到大规模的每一步CRISPR基因编辑研究。提供可靶向单个基因的锌指核酸酶或用于筛选全基因组可全面定制的CRISPR产品。

创新来自日复一日的工作积累,只有仔细选择CRISPR Cas9蛋白和基因编辑工具,打下良好基础,才不会因劣质品而前功尽废。


Sigma-Aldrich® Advanced Genomics产品线拥有基因组工程工具和服务的完整套件,可全方位释放您的研究潜能。无论您是要敲除、敲入、敲低,还是要过表达靶基因,我们全套的CRISPR基因编辑工具和服务都将满足您实验台之外的各种研究需求。 


Product Number
Product Name
Product Description


Sigma-Aldrich® Advanced Genomics提供各种Cas9突变体(野生型、特异性增强型、nickase切口酶型、GFP融合型、催化失活型),形式选择多样(如质粒、慢病毒、冻干蛋白粉)。探索我们行业领先的Cas9蛋白系列,找到满足您的不同研究需求的产品。 




使用Sigma-Aldrich® Advanced Genomics CRISPR激活和CRISPR抑制文库进行基因敲低和过表达实验,可更加深入地研究复杂的生物网络机制。目前可提供CRISPRi和SAM CRISPRa混合的慢病毒文库,也可根据您的特定需求提供定制产品。

兼容10x Genomics的CRISPR筛选

Sigma-Aldrich® Advanced Genomics拥有兼容10x Genomics认证的慢病毒库,可用于CRISPR单细胞筛选。我们优化定制的慢病毒载体与采用Feature Barcode技术的Chromium单细胞基因表达v3和v3.1 (Next GEM)解决方案完全兼容。 


无论您是要进行CRISPR筛选实验设计,还是要排查故障,或只是想更好地认识如何在研究中运用基因编辑方法,我们的Sigma-Aldrich® Advanced Genomics团队都可随时为您提供指导帮助。

担心CRISPR不适合您的实验项目?连线咨询Sigma-Aldrich®Advanced Genomics专家


  • Article: Cas9-Mediated Recombineering Enhances Metabolic Production of Kdo2-Lipid A by E. coli

    In this article, we present an application of our novel E. coli CRISPR/Cas-mediated Lambda-Red (λ-Red) homologous recombination (HR) vector system, which facilitates gene editing through the homology-directed repair (HDR) of double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) created by Cas9 endonuclease, using either ssDNA or dsDNA as an editing template.

  • CRISPR使用许可协议

    This Product and its use are the subject of one or more of the following patents controlled by The Broad Institute, Inc. (BROAD), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), or the President and Fellows of Harvard College (HARVARD): U.S. Patent Nos. 8,697,357; 8,771,945, and any substitutions, divisions, continuations, reissues, renewals, re-examinations or extensions, and corresponding foreign patent applications and patents.

  • Article: Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) Protocols Using Synthetic sgRNAs and Cas9 proteins

    Combine guaranteed sgRNAs with our comprehensive range of CRISPR products and tools, including Cas9 and delivery reagents, for efficient genome modification with higher specificity.

  • Article: Genome Editing in Plants with CRISPR/Cas9

    Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), were introduced by Sigma-Aldrich less than 8 years ago, but in that time the technology of targeted genome editing has advanced rapidly. Most recently, the discovery of the CRISPR/Cas9 pathway has accelerated interest in this field, opening up new possibilities for research and development.

  • eBook: Gene Editing 101

    Learn how to understand, design and perform CRISPR experiments, as well as design gRNA, choose a Cas9 format, screen with CRISPR, use advanced CRISPR formats, and much more…

  • Article: CRISPR Cas9 Protein Product Selection Guide

    A convenient CRISPR Cas9 protein selection guide to assist with your CRISPR RNP, lentivirus, mRNA, plasmids, vectors and control needs.

  • Article: Blue-White Screening & Protocols for Colony Selection

    Our popular blue-white screening for colony selection technical resource hub, transfection reagent selection guide and protocols.

  • PCR Master Mix Calculator

    Ensure the success of your reactions at any scale with our handy PCR Master Mix Calculator resource tool.

  • Article: Introduction to Cell Transfection

    An overview on cell transfection vs transduction methods, our cell transfection reagent selection guide and protocols.

  • Protocol: Western Blotting

    Western blotting protocol that includes technical information supporting the following: Sample preparation, membrane transfer/tank transfer, transfer stack assembly, buffers, immunodetection, and a troubleshooting guide.



