- 作为洗涤缓冲液,用于原代脂肪细胞的制备和脂解分析
- 作为预灌流溶液组分,用于胰岛活力和功能研究
- 垂体的生物学分析
11 - Combustible Solids
Not applicable
Not applicable
Which document(s) contains shelf-life or expiration date information for a given product?
If available for a given product, the recommended re-test date or the expiration date can be found on the Certificate of Analysis.
How do I get lot-specific information or a Certificate of Analysis?
The lot specific COA document can be found by entering the lot number above under the "Documents" section.
How should Product K4002, Krebs-Ringer Bicarbonate Buffer, be dissolved?
Product No. K4002 is listed in a 10X1L package size, meaning that each of the ten containers has enough powder to make 1 Liter of KRB buffer. It can be dissolved in 1 Liter of either water or medium.
What is the formula of Product K4002, Krebs-Ringer Bicarbonate Buffer (KRB)?
The formulation for KRB can be found on the data sheet.
How do I find price and availability?
There are several ways to find pricing and availability for our products. Once you log onto our website, you will find the price and availability displayed on the product detail page. You can contact any of our Customer Sales and Service offices to receive a quote. USA customers: 1-800-325-3010 or view local office numbers.
What is the Department of Transportation shipping information for this product?
Transportation information can be found in Section 14 of the product's (M)SDS.To access the shipping information for this material, use the link on the product detail page for the product.
Product K4002 - Krebs-Ringer Bicarbonate Buffer, is without calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. In the reconstitution steps, you advice to add 1.26g sodium bicarbonate. Should we also add some calcium chloride? in which amount?
Product K4002 - Krebs-Ringer Bicarbonate Buffer does not contain calcium. The addition of calcium is not required for osmolarity. If you need to have calcium, you can add calcium chloride between 1.25 to 2.5 mM. You may want to check the osmolarity and make sure it is not too high.Kreb Henseleit Buffer has 1.25 mM calcium chlorideKreb's Buffer has 2.5 mM calcium chlorideKreb' Ringer Superfusion solution contains 2.0 mM calcium chloride.Please see the attached document for different Krebs' buffer recipes.
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Powdered media and salt mixtures are extremely hygroscopic and should be protected from atmospheric moisture.