





  • Data Sheet: CellPrime® rAlbumin

    CellPrime® rAlbumin is a GMP-manufactured, non-animal origin (NAO) recombinant media supplement, ensuring excellent quality, superior performance, and lot-to-lot consistency. It is expressed from a synthetic DNA insert encoding the human albumin gene sequence in the yeast Pichia pastoris, and like all recombinant CellPrime® products, it does not contain components of animal or human origin throughout its manufacturing process.

  • Data Sheet: 4512 CellPrime® rInsulin

    Insulin plays a critical role in mammalian cell culture biomanufacturing, enhancing cell growth, protein production, and long-term viability of various cell lines. It is a pivotal component in upstream media formulations for the production of monoclonal antibody therapeutics, viral vaccines, and various recombinant biomolecules such as coagulation factors.

  • Data Sheet: CellPrime® rTrypsin

    Pancreatic trypsin, a ~23 kD serine protease, has been crucial in stem cell propagation, vaccine manufacturing, and precursor maturation in therapeutic recombinant insulin production as a dissociation agent and manufacturing aid. It specifically cleaves the peptide backbone after arginine or lysine residues.

  • Data Sheet: CellPrime® rTrypsin Recombinant Trypsin for Stem Cell Manufacturing

    A proprietary recombinant trypsin alternative has been added to the CellPrime® portfolio to meet the increased market demand for non-animal origin cell culture reagents, ensuring a safe and sustainable supply for stem cell propagation and addressing the risk of introducing adventitious viral agents into the manufacturing process.

  • Product Sheet: CellPrime® rTrypsin Recombinant trypsin

    CellPrime® rTrypsin is a non-animal origin product, recombinantly expressed from a synthetic DNA construct encoding the porcine gene sequence in the yeast Pichia pastoris. It does not contain components of animal origin throughout its manufacturing process, from the Master Cell Bank (MCB) and Working Cell Bank (WCB) to the final product.

  • Data Sheet: CellPrime® rTransferrin Data Sheet

    CellPrime® rTransferrin AF is designed for industrial cell culture applications, aiming to facilitate extracellular iron binding and transport, thereby promoting viability and proliferation in cells grown in serum-free media. It offers the advantages of natural plasma-derived transferrin while ensuring non-animal origin compliance.

  • Flyer: One-Stop-Shop Protein Recovery from Inclusion Bodies

    The increasing demand for biotherapeutics as well as healthcare cost pressures have spurred an intense search for more cost effective, faster and more efficient alternative expression systems.





  • CellPrime® r白蛋白 – 是用于培养基开发、优化或补充的理想选择,它被用作人/牛血清白蛋白的无动物替代品,从而消除了血液来源蛋白引入的差异性,并可防止外来病毒或病毒污染。
  • CellPrime® r转铁蛋白 – CellPrime® r转铁蛋白通常会与重组白蛋白和重组胰岛素一同作为细胞培养基配方中的补充剂混合物,用于替代血清转铁蛋白,它可消除因血液来源蛋白而引入的变异性并防止病毒或朊病毒的意外污染。
  • CellPrime® r胰岛素 – 其在增强细胞生长和蛋白质生产的同时,可扩展各种细胞系的长期生存能力,这种NAO补充剂通常用于上游过程中的单克隆抗体(mAb)、病毒疫苗和干细胞的扩增。


  • CellPrime® r胰蛋白酶 – 用于在疫苗生产收获过程消化和重悬贴壁细胞,也可用于干细胞培养,其在消化容器上生长的贴壁细胞的同时,可保留细胞表面标志物的结构和功能完整性。其他应用包括重组胰岛素生产和一般生命科学细胞培养。
  • CellPrime® r胰蛋白酶STD – CellPrime®r胰蛋白酶的配套产品,它是按照USP专论中关于结晶胰蛋白酶的规定(USP 43,2013)标准发布的。其比活性使用BAEE作为底物进行确定,该过程对酶的α和β同工型分布要求相对不严格。
  • CellPrime® r溶菌酶 – 相较于动物来源的酶,CellPrime® r溶菌酶能够以更低的成本,更加方便温和地对细菌细胞进行裂解,同时提供非动物来源的安全性。





