
我们配置 Durapore® 聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)膜的过滤器和配置聚醚砜(PES)膜的 MilliporeExpress® 过滤器,可对于水性液体进行无菌过滤。对于非水液体的无菌过滤,则可采用聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)膜。
- Millipore Express® SHC(无菌、高通量) 过滤器:0.5和0.2 µm无菌PES膜,具有出色的堵塞流能力。
- Millipore Express® SHF(无菌、高流量)过滤器:无堵塞流能力的0.2 µm无菌PES膜
- Durapore® 0.22 µm过滤器:无菌PVDF膜性能稳健,具有低蛋白吸附性
- 多层Millex®无菌过滤器:0.45和0.22 µm无菌PVDF膜,具有出色的堵塞流能力。
- 多介质 Durapore®过滤器:与预滤器集成的0.22 µm无菌PVDF膜
- 带电荷的 Durapore®过滤器:带正电的0.22 µm PVDF 除无菌膜,可去除内毒素
- Solvex™过滤器:用于非水溶液的0.2 µm无菌PTFE膜
过滤器的选择取决于进料特性、颗粒物含量、污染风险水平和特定工艺流程等因素。无菌过滤器是关键无菌工艺流程应用的首选解决方案。而生物负荷减少过滤器则是缓冲液过滤、色谱柱保护等非关键或“低风险”应用的理想选择 。
- 所有过滤器均具有完全可扩展性,支持从小型工具到中试和生产规模的制造。
- 大都以一次性囊式或筒式的过滤器型号提供。
- 为提高堵塞流能力,某些过滤器的膜面积增加一倍,但占地面积不变。
- 过滤器可以可高压灭菌型、耐伽玛辐照型或预灭菌型的形式提供,还具有各种连接选择。
- Brochure: Strategies for Effective Bioburden and Aseptic Control
In this brochure, we provide information to highlight the differing objectives for bioburden control by unit operation and discuss the parameters that guide filter selection and optimization.
- Technical Brief: Extended Bacterial Retention Testing of Millipore Express® 0.2 μm Filters in a Continuous Flow System
The goal of this technical brief is to describe microbial retention performance of sterilizing-grade Millipore Express® SHF (Sterile High-Flux) filters under continuous flow operations for up to 16 hours processing duration.
- Application Note: Integrity Test Troubleshooting – Beyond Rewet and Retest
In this application note, we will consider all the potential sources of test error and apply a logical approach to resolution and retesting.
- Application Note: Establishing Product Specific Bubble Point Values for Sterilizing-Grade Filters
Integrity testing sterilizing filters is a fundamental requirement of critical process filtration applications in the pharmaceutical industry.
- Durapore® Family Guide
A trusted name in the industry, Durapore® polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes are available in multiple pore sizes and formats to meet the needs of different operations in bioprocessing including liquid sterile filtration, sterile tank and gas venting, pre-use in-line integrity testing and final sterilizing filtration.
- Millipore Express® Family Guide
Our Millipore Express® filters can be used in a wide range of applications including filtration of cell culture media and feeds and for sterile filtration at different steps in monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), vaccine, plasma, viral vector and large and small volume parenteral production.
- Data Sheet: Solvex™ Solvent Filtration Cartridge Filters
Our Solvex™ brand cartridge filters combine high-performance polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membranes with a robust cartridge design to deliver validated, reliable sterile filtration and efficient particulate removal.