  • Neurofascin and Kv7.3 are delivered to somatic and axon terminal surface membranes en route to the axon initial segment.

Neurofascin and Kv7.3 are delivered to somatic and axon terminal surface membranes en route to the axon initial segment.

eLife (2020-09-10)
Aniket Ghosh, Elise Lv Malavasi, Diane L Sherman, Peter J Brophy

Ion channel complexes promote action potential initiation at the mammalian axon initial segment (AIS), and modulation of AIS size by recruitment or loss of proteins can influence neuron excitability. Although endocytosis contributes to AIS turnover, how membrane proteins traffic to this proximal axonal domain is incompletely understood. Neurofascin186 (Nfasc186) has an essential role in stabilising the AIS complex to the proximal axon, and the AIS channel protein Kv7.3 regulates neuron excitability. Therefore, we have studied how these proteins reach the AIS. Vesicles transport Nfasc186 to the soma and axon terminal where they fuse with the neuronal plasma membrane. Nfasc186 is highly mobile after insertion in the axonal membrane and diffuses bidirectionally until immobilised at the AIS through its interaction with AnkyrinG. Kv7.3 is similarly recruited to the AIS. This study reveals how key proteins are delivered to the AIS and thereby how they may contribute to its functional plasticity.


聚-D-赖氨酸 氢溴酸盐, mol wt 70,000-150,000, lyophilized powder, γ-irradiated, BioReagent, suitable for cell culture
明胶 来源于冷水鱼类的皮肤, 40-50% in H2O
诺考达唑制备液, 5 mg/mL, DMSO solution
Latrunculin A, Latrunculia magnifica, InSolution, ≥85%, 1 mM in DMSO, marine toxin that disrupts microfilament organization in cultured cells