  • Phosphorylation of importin-α1 by CDK1-cyclin B1 controls mitotic spindle assembly.

Phosphorylation of importin-α1 by CDK1-cyclin B1 controls mitotic spindle assembly.

Journal of cell science (2019-08-23)
Li Guo, Khamsah Suryati Mohd, He Ren, Guangwei Xin, Qing Jiang, Paul R Clarke, Chuanmao Zhang

Importin-α serves as an adaptor linking importin-β to proteins carrying a nuclear localization sequence (NLS). During interphase, this interaction enables nuclear protein import, while in mitosis it regulates spindle assembly factors (SAFs) and controls microtubule nucleation, stabilization and spindle function. Here, we show that human importin-α1 is regulated during the cell cycle and is phosphorylated at two sites (threonine 9 and serine 62) during mitosis by the major mitotic protein kinase CDK1-cyclin B. Mutational analysis indicates that the mitotic phosphorylation of importin-α1 inhibits its binding to importin-β and promotes the release of TPX2 and KIFC1, which are then targeted like importin-β to the spindle. Loss of importin-α1 or expression of a non-phosphorylated mutant of importin-α1 results in the formation of shortened spindles with reduced microtubule density and induces a prolonged metaphase, whereas phosphorylation-mimicking mutants are functional in mitosis. We propose that phosphorylation of importin-α1 is a general mechanism for the spatial and temporal control of mitotic spindle assembly by CDK1-cyclin B1 that acts through the release of SAFs such as TPX2 and KIFC1 from inhibitory complexes that restrict spindle assembly.


抗 α-微管蛋白单克隆抗体 小鼠抗, clone DM1A, ascites fluid
抗-c-Myc抗体,克隆9E10, clone 9E10, from mouse
Anti-Importin α antibody, Mouse monoclonal, clone IM-75, purified from hybridoma cell culture
Anti-phospho-Histone H3 (Ser10) Antibody, clone CMA312, clone CMA312, from mouse
Anti-Importin α1 antibody, Rat monoclonal, clone 1A6, purified from hybridoma cell culture