A soft aluminum foil film designed for the sealing of PCR plates minimizing evaporation and vapor loss during thermal cycling. The film pierces very easily for direct sample recovery with a multichannel pipettor or robotic metal probes without risk of aerosols, cross-contamination or significant gumming of adhesive. An extremely strong, medical-grade adhesive provides a uniform, complete seal which can withstand PCR thermal cycling. Recommended for temperatures from -80 °C to 120 °C, measures 82.6 mm x 146.1 mm and offers sufficient sealing area for all PCR plates. A 36 μm non-permeable soft aluminum foil film eliminates the need for heat-sealing devices or mats during thermal cycling. The proprietary adhesive can withstand harsh chemicals, solvents and reagents. Two end tabs for easy and accurate positioning and labeling.
AlumaSeal is a registered trademark of Excel Scientific, Inc.
Protocol using antibody mediated hot start polymerase with a red dye for easy gel loading. Method has short activation period (<1min), and results in higher yields and more specificity over standard PCR methods.
使用抗体介导热启动聚合酶的实验方案。一种具有短活化阶段的方法(<1min), and results in higher yields and more specificity over standard PCR methods.
The Extract-N-Amp™ Tissue PCR Kit contains all the reagents needed to rapidly extract and amplify genomic DNA from mouse tails and other animal tissues, buccal swabs, hair shafts, and saliva.