WGA试剂盒采用基于基因组 DNA 随机片段化的专有技术,并将产生的小片段转换为两侧有通用引物结合位点的 PCR 可扩增文库分子。 WGA是利用通用寡核苷酸引物对文库分子进行PCR扩增获得的。
GenomePlex 方法让研究人员可以生成具有代表性的、约 500 倍扩增的基因组 DNA 。 扩增产量取决于纯度和起始原料的量。该试剂盒含有进行文库制备和片段化需要的所有试剂。
- 以最少的模板获得更高的产量: 在三小时以内将纳克量(10ng)的基因组DNA扩增为微克产量(5-10 μg)
- 纳克量样品可在–20 °C下保存备用
- 从各种DNA来源中选择:全血、口腔拭子、 血卡、植物、土壤、福尔马林固定石蜡包埋组织(FFPE)
- 兼容各种下游应用,如TaqMan®和BeadArray 测定
- 通用引物
- 表达全基因组,没有可检测的偏差
- 增加的扩增准确性不会在阴性对照反应中产生扩增子
10 - Combustible liquids
Not applicable
Not applicable
What is the major difference between WGA1 and WGA2?
Functionally WGA1 and WGA2 are identical. The only difference between the two kits is that WGA2 is supplied with the WGA polymerase.
If starting with fragmented DNA, what is the smallest size fragment which can be successfully amplified with WGA1, GenomePlex® Amplification Kit, and do I still need to do the fragmentation step?
The kit works best for fragments 400 bp and larger. When starting with fragmented DNA, we recommend: (1) skipping the fragmentation heat step, although the buffer should be added, and (2) increasing the PCR cycles from 14 to 20.
Can I use WGA1, GenomePlex® Amplification Kit to amplify DNA from a single cell?
Using this kit to amplify DNA from a single cell is not recommended. We recommend using the GenomePlex Single Cell WGA Kit (WGA4) for such application. WGA4 was developed for use with single cells and includes an optimized cell lysis protocol which has been incorporated into the fragmentation step.
Can I amplify single stranded DNA with Product WGA, GenomePlex® Amplification Kit?
When starting with single stranded starting materials, we recommend (1) skipping the fragmentation heat step, although the buffer should be added and (2) increasing the PCR cycles from 14 to 20. Note that if the ssDNA is actually cDNA from polyadenylated RNA, the kit will likely not give good representation of the input material, as the poly(T) ends constitute a large, non-random fraction.
Is the WGA1 GenomePlex® Amplicification Kit polymerase compatible with TA cloning?
WGA polymerase is compatible with TA cloning with the following alteration to the PCR step: Be sure to include a 7 to 30 minute extension at 72°C after the last cycle to ensure that all PCR products are full length and 3´ adenylated.
What is the major difference between WGA1 and WGA2 kits?
Functionally, WGA1 and WGA2 kits are identical. The only difference between the two kits is that WGA2 is supplied with the WGA polymerase.
Which document(s) contains shelf-life or expiration date information for a given product?
If available for a given product, the recommended re-test date or the expiration date can be found on the Certificate of Analysis.
How do I get lot-specific information or a Certificate of Analysis?
The lot specific COA document can be found by entering the lot number above under the "Documents" section.
How do I find price and availability?
There are several ways to find pricing and availability for our products. Once you log onto our website, you will find the price and availability displayed on the product detail page. You can contact any of our Customer Sales and Service offices to receive a quote. USA customers: 1-800-325-3010 or view local office numbers.
What is the Department of Transportation shipping information for this product?
Transportation information can be found in Section 14 of the product's (M)SDS.To access the shipping information for this material, use the link on the product detail page for the product.
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Whole genome amplification overcomes restrictions for single-cell genomic analyses with non-specific amplification.
Archived Formalin-fixed, Paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples are invaluable resources for profiling gene expression and studying a variety of diseases.
存档的福尔马林固定和石蜡包埋 (FFPE) 组织样本是分析基因表达和研究多种疾病的宝贵资源。
GenomePlex® amplification improves DNA yield from soil samples, ensuring downstream analysis reliability despite potential nuclease damage.
Whole Genome Amplification products, including kits for DNA extraction, support various DNA sources.
GenomePlex is a Whole Genome Amplification (WGA) method that allows the researcher to generate a representative, 500-fold amplification of genomic DNA