  • A TLR/CD44 axis regulates T cell trafficking in experimental and human multiple sclerosis.

A TLR/CD44 axis regulates T cell trafficking in experimental and human multiple sclerosis.

iScience (2022-02-08)
Maria Tredicine, Chiara Camponeschi, Davide Pirolli, Matteo Lucchini, Mariagrazia Valentini, Maria Concetta Geloso, Massimiliano Mirabella, Marco Fidaleo, Benedetta Righino, Camilla Moliterni, Ezio Giorda, Mario Rende, Maria Cristina De Rosa, Maria Foti, Gabriela Constantin, Francesco Ria, Gabriele Di Sante

In the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders, the modulation of leukocytes' trafficking plays a central role, still poorly understood. Here, we focused on the effect of TLR2 ligands in trafficking of T helper cells through reshuffling of CD44 isoforms repertoire. Concurrently, strain background and TLR2 haplotype affected Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway and expression of splicing factors. During EAE, mCD44 v9- v 10 was specifically enriched in the forebrain and showed an increased ability to bind stably to osteopontin. Similarly, we observed that hCD44 v7 was highly enriched in cells of cerebrospinal fluid from MS patients with active lesions. Moreover, TLRs engagement modulated the composition of CD44 variants also in human T helper cells, supporting the hypothesis that pathogens or commensals, through TLRs, in turn modulate the repertoire of CD44 isoforms, thereby controlling the distribution of lesions in the CNS. The interference with this mechanism(s) represents a potential tool for prevention and treatment of autoimmune relapses and exacerbations.


I型胶原蛋白 溶液 来源于大鼠尾, BioReagent, suitable for cell culture, sterile-filtered
百日咳毒素 来源于百日咳杆菌, lyophilized powder
细胞计数试剂盒, sufficient for 500 tests
Osteopontin from mouse, >95% (SDS-PAGE), recombinant, expressed in NSO cells, lyophilized powder, suitable for cell culture