  • Club Cell TRPV4 Serves as a Damage Sensor Driving Lung Allergic Inflammation.

Club Cell TRPV4 Serves as a Damage Sensor Driving Lung Allergic Inflammation.

Cell host & microbe (2020-03-05)
Darin L Wiesner, Richard M Merkhofer, Carole Ober, Gregory C Kujoth, Mengyao Niu, Nancy P Keller, James E Gern, Rebecca A Brockman-Schneider, Michael D Evans, Daniel J Jackson, Thomas Warner, Nizar N Jarjour, Stephane J Esnault, Michael B Feldman, Matthew Freeman, Hongmei Mou, Jatin M Vyas, Bruce S Klein

Airway epithelium is the first body surface to contact inhaled irritants and report danger. Here, we report how epithelial cells recognize and respond to aeroallergen alkaline protease 1 (Alp1) of Aspergillus sp., because proteases are critical components of many allergens that provoke asthma. In a murine model, Alp1 elicits helper T (Th) cell-dependent lung eosinophilia that is initiated by the rapid response of bronchiolar club cells to Alp1. Alp1 damages bronchiolar cell junctions, which triggers a calcium flux signaled through calcineurin within club cells of the bronchioles, inciting inflammation. In two human cohorts, we link fungal sensitization and/or asthma with SNP/protein expression of the mechanosensitive calcium channel, TRPV4. TRPV4 is also necessary and sufficient for club cells to sensitize mice to Alp1. Thus, club cells detect junction damage as mechanical stress, which signals danger via TRPV4, calcium, and calcineurin to initiate allergic sensitization.


白蛋白 来源于鸡蛋白, lyophilized powder, ≥98% (agarose gel electrophoresis)
蛋白酶 来源于地衣芽孢杆菌, Type VIII, lyophilized powder, 7-15 units/mg solid
朊酶 来源于蜂蜜曲霉, Type XXIII, ≥3 units/mg solid
Human IL-33 ELISA Kit, for serum, plasma, cell culture supernatant and urine
1,2,3-三(2-氰乙氧基)丙烷, phase 1,2,3-tris(2-Cyanoethoxy)propane (TCEP), bottle of 50 g
薄层层析 PET 片负载聚酰胺, suitable for thin layer chromatography (TLC), with fluorescent indicator 254 nm, PET foils