- SupraSolv® GC Solvent Specifications
Our GC solvents have been specially developed and tested for ECD, FID and MS detection or for headspace gas chromatography to ensure accurate, reliable and reproducible analytical results.
- Brochure: GC Workflow
We provide a comprehensive range of high quality tools for each step of the GC workflow ensuring accuracy, precision and consistency of your analysis.
- GC Columns Selection Guide
An optimized chromatographic separation begins with the column. The selection of the proper capillary column for any application should be based on four significant factors: stationary phase, column I.D., film thickness, and column length.
- Brochure: GC Solvents
As the world’s leading supplier of high-purity solvents, we offer a full range of products for every gas chromatography application in the laboratory - including highly sensitive pesticide and dioxin analyses.
- Brochure: GC Accessories
Choosing the proper items for routine system maintenance and new column installation can save costly downtime and rework, plus help prevent inaccurate chromatographic results.
- Guide: Environmental & Agricultural GC Columns Selection Guide
We have developed the most extensive line of special purpose columns designed for industry specific applications. These columns are manufactured to deliver high resolution, great analyte response, low bleed, and long column life to achieve the analytical performance you require.
- Flyer: Determination of Benzene in Reformulated Gasoline
The amount of benzene in gasoline is a concern because it is a known human carcinogen, and exposure to it has been linked to detrimental health effects.
- Application Note: GC-FID Method with Nitrogen as Carrier Gas for Simple-Routine Analysis of Essential Oils
The research examines nitrogen (N2) as an alternative to helium for GC-FID analysis of bergamot essential oil. By increasing nitrogen's velocity to 20 cm/s, analysis times comparable to helium were achieved, successfully quantifying 67 terpenes in 47 minutes with an optimized peak attribution model.
- Application Note: Hydrogen as Carrier Gas: A Reliable GC-MS Method for the Qualitative Analysis of Essential Oils
This research is focused on the development of a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method for the analysis of essential oils by using hydrogen (H2) as carrier gas.
GC毛细管柱 是高灵敏度分析检测的理想选择。毛细管柱包括一根薄的熔融石英玻璃管,其中的固定相与色谱柱的内表面化学结合或者涂布在内表面上。
非极性GC柱 是分析非极性化合物(如烷烃)的理想选择。强烈推荐使用Equity®-1、Petrocol®、SPB®-1、SPB®-Octyl 和 SLB®-5ms 来分离非极性化合物。极性GC柱分离极性分析物的效率最高。SPB®-624、OVI-G43、SPB®- 20、Equity®-1701、SPB®-35 SPB®-50、SPB®-225、PAG、SPB®-1000、SLB®-IL60i 和 Nukol™ 等极性色谱柱可提供理想的极性化合物分离效果。
高极性色谱柱包括固定相中氰丙基官能团比例较高的色谱柱。这些固定相的各种相互作用可以使可极化化合物分离。可极化化合物是由碳和氢组成但含有一个或多个碳-碳二键或三键的化合物。高极性毛细管柱包括SP®-2330、SP®-2331、SP®-2380、SP®-2560、SP®-2340、 TCEP、SLB®-IL111i。
适合常见气相色谱仪的GC配件有GC隔垫、进样口衬管、密封垫、套管、螺母、保护柱、连接头、流量计、手工工具、进样针、样品瓶和光离子检测器 (PID) 灯。
针对GC分析,我们提供精心设计的碳吸附剂 (Carbosieve®、Graphsphere™、 Carbotrap®和Carbopack™) 以及多种常用分子筛和多孔聚合物吸附剂。我们的碳吸附剂的主要特点包括:
- 坚硬、不易碎
- 多孔
- 疏水,因此适合于潮湿的环境
- 用于具有相对于C2-C5正烷烃分析物大小的分子