stainless steel
pkg of 1 ea
Swagelok® 100-S
1/16 in. Swagelok
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Swage type fittings are one of the most popular connectors which are available in metal and plastic forms; they are very useful for connecting similar or dissimilar materials, like metal to glass or metal to plastic. The general swage tubing coupler has four parts namely the body, into which the tube is placed, two ferrules that is front ferrule and back ferrule and lastly a packing nut. While assembling a compression tube fitting, the metal tubing should be inspected properly to ensure that the surface is smooth. Then slide on the nut with the open side facing the end of the tubing. Next, slide on the back ferrule with the wider part facing the nut. In the next step, slide on the front ferrule with the small end of the cone facing the end of the tubing. Then insert the tubing into the fitting and tighten up the nut/ferrule assembly onto the fitting.
Swagelok® nut, front and back ferrule set maybe used for sampler construction from a single capillary gas chromatographic column, for collection of semi-volatile organic compounds through a diffusion denuder.
Swagelok is a registered trademark of Swagelok Company
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