- 在添加胎牛血清和其它成分的 Dulbecco ′改良 Eagle′培养基中PC12 细胞的生长。
- HeLa 细胞是在含有胎牛血清和其它成分的罗斯威尔公园纪念研究所 (RPMI) 1640 培养基中供养。
- BaF3 细胞培养物(细胞在补充胎牛血清和其它成分的 RPMI 1640 培养基中供养)。
- 原代海马细胞培养物(细胞在补充有热灭活胎牛血清和其它成分的Eagle′最低必需培养基供养)。
- HeLa、Cos1 和 Cos7 细胞在含有胎牛血清和其它成分的 Dulbecco 改良 Eagle 培养基 (DMEM) 中培养。
- 内毒素和血红蛋白测试
- 检测了是否存在细菌、病毒和支原体
- 在无菌条件下用0.1微米膜过滤三次
10 - Combustible liquids
Not applicable
Not applicable
Eyeshields, Gloves
Which document(s) contains shelf-life or expiration date information for a given product?
If available for a given product, the recommended re-test date or the expiration date can be found on the Certificate of Analysis.
How do I get lot-specific information or a Certificate of Analysis?
The lot specific COA document can be found by entering the lot number above under the "Documents" section.
How do I find price and availability?
There are several ways to find pricing and availability for our products. Once you log onto our website, you will find the price and availability displayed on the product detail page. You can contact any of our Customer Sales and Service offices to receive a quote. USA customers: 1-800-325-3010 or view local office numbers.
What is the Department of Transportation shipping information for this product?
Transportation information can be found in Section 14 of the product's (M)SDS.To access the shipping information for this material, use the link on the product detail page for the product.
Once a bottle of Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) is thawed, for how long can the bottle be used?
Once Fetal Bovine Serum has been thawed, the bottle can be used in cell culture for up to 7 days for most cell types when stored refrigerated at 2-8°C. If the cells are not fastidous (e.g. HeLa or fibroblasts), the thawed and refrigerated serum can be used for up to 30 days. For some extremely fastidious cell lines, it may be necessary to screen individual lots for acceptable performance. For uses such as blocking for various immuno procedures, usage will generally be for 30 days and perhaps somewhat longer when stored at 2-8°C. For other procedures, usage beyond 30 days storage at 2-8°C will need to be determined.
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Protect your investment with best practices for storing and thawing FBS and other sera. Sample FBS for validation in your cell culture protocol.
Our broad range of the most trusted tools for cell culture includes stringently sourced and tested FBS, established media formulations, and sterile labware. Cutting-edge techniques using stem cells and 3D matrices are enabled by organoids, hydrogels, culture scaffolds, and bioinks for 3D bioprinting.