graduated 0.1 mL
tip style needle-lock Luer
Popper 5007
2 mL
11.48 mm
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Interchangeable syringes are manufactured to ensure the perfect mating of barrels and plungers. Any Micro-Mate® interchangeable syringe of a particular size will fit any Micro-Mate® interchangeable barrel of that same size.
Due to the close fit between the plunger and the barrel, the slightest amount of dust or grit will scratch the smooth surfaces of the syringe.
Store the clean dry syringe assembled; this prevents any dust collecting on the plunger.
Due to the close fit between the plunger and the barrel, the slightest amount of dust or grit will scratch the smooth surfaces of the syringe.
Store the clean dry syringe assembled; this prevents any dust collecting on the plunger.
- All are made from borosilicate glass; metal parts are chrome-plated brass. Syringes have male fittings
- Thermal shock and corrosion resistant
- Flat on two sides to prevent syringe rolling
- Precision shrinking ensures leakproof fit
- Graduations permanently fused into glass affording lifetime legibility
- Colored plunger ends, fused around bottom beveled rim of plunger, facilitate volume measurement
Three ′Tip′ styles available:
Needle-lock Luer - Tips fitted to heavy glass bases to ensure greater strength than glass-Luer tips. All Luer needles lock into needle-lock tips with an easy twist.
Metal Luer - Include all the same features as needle-lock tips, except for the special locking device. Fit all luer needles and other female Luer fittings.
Glass Luer - Tips have reinforced glass bases to ensure strength and minimize breakage; beveled ends to reduce chipping.
Needle-lock Luer - Tips fitted to heavy glass bases to ensure greater strength than glass-Luer tips. All Luer needles lock into needle-lock tips with an easy twist.
Metal Luer - Include all the same features as needle-lock tips, except for the special locking device. Fit all luer needles and other female Luer fittings.
Glass Luer - Tips have reinforced glass bases to ensure strength and minimize breakage; beveled ends to reduce chipping.
Micro-Mate is a registered trademark of Cadence Science