  • Mutant FUS proteins that cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis incorporate into stress granules.

Mutant FUS proteins that cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis incorporate into stress granules.

Human molecular genetics (2010-08-12)
Daryl A Bosco, Nathan Lemay, Hae Kyung Ko, Hongru Zhou, Chris Burke, Thomas J Kwiatkowski, Peter Sapp, Diane McKenna-Yasek, Robert H Brown, Lawrence J Hayward

Mutations in the RNA-binding protein FUS (fused in sarcoma) are linked to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but the mechanism by which these mutants cause motor neuron degeneration is not known. We report a novel ALS truncation mutant (R495X) that leads to a relatively severe ALS clinical phenotype compared with FUS missense mutations. Expression of R495X FUS, which abrogates a putative nuclear localization signal at the C-terminus of FUS, in HEK-293 cells and in the zebrafish spinal cord caused a striking cytoplasmic accumulation of the protein to a greater extent than that observed for recessive (H517Q) and dominant (R521G) missense mutants. Furthermore, in response to oxidative stress or heat shock conditions in cultures and in vivo, the ALS-linked FUS mutants, but not wild-type FUS, assembled into perinuclear stress granules in proportion to their cytoplasmic expression levels. These findings demonstrate a potential link between FUS mutations and cellular pathways involved in stress responses that may be relevant to altered motor neuron homeostasis in ALS.


毒胡萝卜素, ≥98% (HPLC), solid film