- Notochordal and nucleus pulposus marker expression is maintained by sub-populations of adult human nucleus pulposus cells through aging and degeneration.
Notochordal and nucleus pulposus marker expression is maintained by sub-populations of adult human nucleus pulposus cells through aging and degeneration.
The nucleus pulposus (NP) of the intervertebral disc (IVD) demonstrates substantial changes in cell and matrix composition with both ageing and degeneration. While recent transcriptomic profiling studies have helped define human NP cell phenotype, it remains unclear how expression of these markers is influenced by ageing or degeneration. Furthermore, cells of the NP are thought to derive from the notochord, although adult NP lacks identifiable notochordal (NC) cells. This study aimed to confirm expression of previously identified NP and NC marker genes in adult human NP cells from a range of ages and degenerate states. Importantly, using gene expression analysis (N = 60) and immunohistochemistry (N = 56) the study demonstrates expression of NP markers FoxF1, Pax-1, keratin-8/18, carbonic anhydrase-12, and NC markers brachyury, galectin-3 and CD24 in cells of the NP irrespective of age or degeneration. Our immunohistochemical data, combined with flow cytometry (N = 5) which identified a small number of CA12