- Simple and efficient synthesis of 2-[(18)F]fluoroethyl triflate for high yield (18)fluoroethylation.
Simple and efficient synthesis of 2-[(18)F]fluoroethyl triflate for high yield (18)fluoroethylation.
Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine (2014-09-06)
Tanja Peters, Andreas Vogg, Iris M Oppel, Jörn Schmaljohann
The [(18)F]fluoroethyl moiety has been widely utilized in the synthesis of (18)F-labelled compounds. The aim of this work was the reliable synthesis of [(18)F]FEtOTf with a novel strategy to increase the reactivity of the commonly used [(18)F]FEB and [(18)F]FEtOTos. [(18)F]FEtOTf and the intermediate [(18)F]FEtOH were synthesized in high RCY (78% and 85%, respectively) and purified by SPE. The high potency of [(18)F]FEtOTf was shown by the efficient alkylation of the deactivated nucleophile aniline under mild conditions, as well as by the synthesis of [(18)F]FEC.