  • Quantitative analysis of histidine and cis and trans isomers of urocanic acid by high-performance liquid chromatography: a new assay method and its application.

Quantitative analysis of histidine and cis and trans isomers of urocanic acid by high-performance liquid chromatography: a new assay method and its application.

Journal of chromatography. B, Biomedical sciences and applications (1997-01-24)
M Takahashi, T Tezuka

To elucidate the factors involved in dry skin and the skin damage caused by UV light, it is necessary to analyze small amounts of stratum corneum to determine amino acid contents. A new assay method for this purpose is described. Dabsylated amino acids including histidine and the cis and trans isomers of urocanic acid were analyzed quantitatively by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), using a reversed-phase column. Histidine and the isomers of urocanic acid were separated from 36 other amino acids thought to be present in the extract of stratum corneum. In the presence of the 36 amino acids, standard calibration curves were obtained from 0.25 to 2.5 pmol/microliter, for histidine and for both isomers of urocanic acid. The coefficients of variation for the reproducibility of the analysis at 1.0 pmol/microliter were 3.8%, 2.9% and 2.5% for the cis and trans isomers of urocanic acid and for histidine, respectively. Amounts of 2 to 50 pmol of cis and trans isomers of urocanic acid and histidine in the stratum corneum were detected. The ratio of the cis to the trans isomer of urocanic acid in sunburned stratum corneum was more than three times that in normal stratum corneum. This method appears to be useful for the determination of small amounts of histidine and of the cis and trans isomers of urocanic acid in the stratum corneum.


4-(二甲氨基)偶氮苯-4′-磺酰氯, ≥97.5% (AT)