  • Increase of CSF tyrosine and impaired serotonin turnover in tyrosinemia type I.

Increase of CSF tyrosine and impaired serotonin turnover in tyrosinemia type I.

Molecular genetics and metabolism (2010-11-30)
Eva Thimm, Diran Herebian, Birgit Assmann, Dirk Klee, Ertan Mayatepek, Ute Spiekerkoetter

Psychomotor impairment has been described in hypertyrosinemia types II and III (HT III). Only recently cognitive deficits have also been reported in hypertyrosinemia type I (HT I). The pathogenic mechanisms responsible are unknown. Since implementation of 2-(2-nitro-4-trifluoromethylbenzoyl)-1,3-cyclohexanedione (NTBC, Nitisinone (Swedish Orphan International)) in the treatment of HT I, plasma tyrosine elevation is a common finding as known from the other hypertyrosinemias. With elevated tyrosine as suspected pathogenic factor in the development of cognitive deficits, we here investigated tyrosine in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serotonergic and dopaminergic neurotransmitter levels in three patients with HT I during long-term treatment with Nitisinone. In addition, Nitisinone concentrations in plasma and CSF were measured. We also assessed psychomotor and cognitive development by standardized test systems and brain morphology by magnetic resonance imaging. All patients presented with high tyrosine concentrations in CSF correlating with increased plasma tyrosine levels and a reduced CSF serotonin turnover. MRI revealed no structural abnormalities in the brain. All patients presented with either impaired cognitive development or behavioural abnormalities. We here outline the need to further study the exact pathogenic mechanisms responsible for the neurotransmitter changes observed in HT type I in order to possibly prevent cognitive dysfunction. Nitisinone has significantly improved outcome and quality of life in HT type I; however, it is also accompanied by elevated plasma and CSF tyrosine. Further studies are essential to identify the necessary dietary tyrosine restriction and the optimal Nitisinone dose.


尼替西农, ≥95% (HPLC)