  • Morphology of Schwann Cell Processes Supports Renal Sympathetic Nerve Terminals With Local Distribution of Adrenoceptors.

Morphology of Schwann Cell Processes Supports Renal Sympathetic Nerve Terminals With Local Distribution of Adrenoceptors.

The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society (2022-06-17)
Seishi Maeda, Yusuke Minato, Sachi Kuwahara-Otani, Hiroki Yamanaka, Mitsuyo Maeda, Yosky Kataoka, Hideshi Yagi

Nerves in the renal parenchyma comprise sympathetic nerves that act on renal arteries and tubules to decrease blood flow and increase primary urine reabsorption, respectively. Synaptic vesicles release neurotransmitters that activate their effector tissues. However, the mechanisms by which neurotransmitters exert individual responses to renal effector cells remain unknown. Here, we investigated the spatial and molecular compositional associations of renal Schwann cells (SC) supporting the nerve terminals in male rats. The nerve terminals of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) enclosed by renal SC processes were exposed through windows facing the effectors with presynaptic specializations. We found that the adrenergic receptors (ARs) α2A, α2C, and β2 were localized in the SMC and the basal side of the tubules, where the nerve terminals were attached, whereas the other subtypes of ARs were distributed in the glomerular and luminal side, where the norepinephrine released from nerve endings may have indirect access to ARs. In addition, integrins α4 and β1 were coexpressed in the nerve terminals. Thus, renal nerve terminals could contact their effectors via integrins and may have a structure, covered by SC processes, suitable for intensive and directional release of neurotransmitters into the blood, rather than specialized structures in the postsynaptic region.


抗-肾上腺素受体 α-2A 兔抗, affinity isolated antibody
Anti-Alpha 2b Adrenergic Receptor, from rabbit, purified by affinity chromatography