  • Binding to DCAF1 distinguishes TASOR and SAMHD1 degradation by HIV-2 Vpx.

Binding to DCAF1 distinguishes TASOR and SAMHD1 degradation by HIV-2 Vpx.

PLoS pathogens (2021-10-27)
Michaël M Martin, Roy Matkovic, Pauline Larrous, Marina Morel, Angélique Lasserre, Virginie Vauthier, Florence Margottin-Goguet

Human Immunodeficiency viruses type 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2) succeed to evade host immune defenses by using their viral auxiliary proteins to antagonize host restriction factors. HIV-2/SIVsmm Vpx is known for degrading SAMHD1, a factor impeding the reverse transcription. More recently, Vpx was also shown to counteract HUSH, a complex constituted of TASOR, MPP8 and periphilin, which blocks viral expression from the integrated viral DNA. In a classical ubiquitin ligase hijacking model, Vpx bridges the DCAF1 ubiquitin ligase substrate adaptor to SAMHD1, for subsequent ubiquitination and degradation. Here, we investigated whether the same mechanism is at stake for Vpx-mediated HUSH degradation. While we confirm that Vpx bridges SAMHD1 to DCAF1, we show that TASOR can interact with DCAF1 in the absence of Vpx. Nonetheless, this association was stabilized in the presence of Vpx, suggesting the existence of a ternary complex. The N-terminal PARP-like domain of TASOR is involved in DCAF1 binding, but not in Vpx binding. We also characterized a series of HIV-2 Vpx point mutants impaired in TASOR degradation, while still degrading SAMHD1. Vpx mutants ability to degrade TASOR correlated with their capacity to enhance HIV-1 minigenome expression as expected. Strikingly, several Vpx mutants impaired for TASOR degradation, but not for SAMHD1 degradation, had a reduced binding affinity for DCAF1, but not for TASOR. In macrophages, Vpx R34A-R42A and Vpx R42A-Q47A-V48A, strongly impaired in DCAF1, but not in TASOR binding, could not degrade TASOR, while being efficient in degrading SAMHD1. Altogether, our results highlight the central role of a robust Vpx-DCAF1 association to trigger TASOR degradation. We then propose a model in which Vpx interacts with both TASOR and DCAF1 to stabilize a TASOR-DCAF1 complex. Furthermore, our work identifies Vpx mutants enabling the study of HUSH restriction independently from SAMHD1 restriction in primary myeloid cells.


抗-FLAG® M2亲和凝胶, purified immunoglobulin, buffered aqueous glycerol solution
抗HA抗体,小鼠单克隆抗体 小鼠抗, clone HA-7, purified from hybridoma cell culture
抗 HA-过氧化物酶,高亲和力, from rat IgG1
EZview Red 抗-HA 亲和凝胶
抗肌动蛋白抗体,小鼠单克隆, clone AC-40, purified from hybridoma cell culture
Anti-MPHOSPH8 antibody produced in rabbit, Prestige Antibodies® Powered by Atlas Antibodies, affinity isolated antibody, buffered aqueous glycerol solution