


聚乙二醇(PEG)又称聚环氧乙烷(PEO)或聚氧乙烯(POE),是一种亲水性和生物相容性合成聚醚。通常,分子量小于20,000 g/mol的材料称为PEG,而分子量大于20,000 g/mol的材料称为PEO。这些聚合物可溶于水及乙醇、乙腈、甲苯、丙酮、二氯甲烷、己烷和氯仿等有机溶剂。


PEG 无毒,常用于生物偶联和表面官能化应用、生物医学研究、药物递送、组织工程以及食品和化妆品行业。PEG 聚合物链与分子的共轭或非共价连接称为聚乙二醇化。聚乙二醇化方法可增强治疗药物的水生物相容性和溶解性、稳定性和药代动力学特性,提高后者在靶向诊断和药物递送中的安全性和效率。PEG 水凝胶常用于治疗药物的控释、细胞培养支架、再生医学、伤口愈合和组织工程。


我们提供范围广泛、成分明确的 PEG 产品组合,覆盖了广泛的分子量、末端官能团、反应性和聚合物结构。

  • 异源双功能PEG
  • 同源双功能PEG
  • 单功能PEG
  • PEG树状聚合物和多臂PEG
  • PEG共聚物
  • 面向GPC的PEG标准品
  • PEG 和低聚乙二醇
  • 聚环氧乙烷粉末
  • 高低聚物纯度PEG



  • Article: Polyethylene Glycol Building Blocks for PEGylation

    Circulatory half-life is a key success factor for new drugs. In this respect, PEGylation or PEG-ing—the modification of potential candidates ranging from non-peptidic small molecules to peptides and proteins, antibody fragments, aptamers, and saccharides or oligonucleotides with polyethylene glycol chains—offers numerous advantages.

  • Article: PEG Selection Guide

    Polyethylene glycol (PEG), also sometimes referred to as polyethylene oxide (PEO), is a condensation polymer of ethylene oxide and water that has several chemical properties that make it useful for biological, chemical and pharmaceutical applications.

  • Tech Spotlight: Degradable Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogels for 2D and 3D Cell Culture

    Progress in biotechnology fields such as tissue engineering and drug delivery is accompanied by an increasing demand for diverse functional biomaterials. One class of biomaterials that has been the subject of intense research interest is hydrogels, because they closely mimic the natural environment of cells, both chemically and physically and therefore can be used as support to grow cells. This article specifically discusses poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogels, which are good for biological applications because they do not generally elicit an immune response. PEGs offer a readily available, easy to modify polymer for widespread use in hydrogel fabrication, including 2D and 3D scaffold for tissue culture. The degradable linkages also enable a variety of applications for release of therapeutic agents.

  • Tech Spotlight: Polyethylene Glycol Building Blocks for PEGylation

    Progress in biotechnology fields such as tissue engineering and drug delivery is accompanied by an increasing demand for diverse functional biomaterials. One class of biomaterials that has been the subject of intense research interest is hydrogels, because they closely mimic the natural environment of cells, both chemically and physically and therefore can be used as support to grow cells. This article specifically discusses poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogels, which are good for biological applications because they do not generally elicit an immune response. PEGs offer a readily available, easy to modify polymer for widespread use in hydrogel fabrication, including 2D and 3D scaffold for tissue culture. The degradable linkages also enable a variety of applications for release of therapeutic agents.


