Standardization of sample analysis is currently neededin microbiome genomics research workflow. Lack of standardization can lead tobiases and errors in common processes during sample preparation and analysissuch as sample amplification, sequencing and bioinformatics analyses.1 Inactivated Proteus mirabilis can serve as standard for benchmarking theperformance along the workflow of microbiomics or meta-genomics analyses and asa tool to increase reproducibility and allow comparison of results obtained bydifferent labs.
Proteusmirabilis is a gram negative facultative anaerobicrod-shaped bacterium. Bacteria of the genus Proteus of the familyEnterobacteriaceae are opportunistic human pathogens responsible for wound andburn infections as well as skin, eye, ear, nose, throat, urinary tract, andgastrointestinal infections and bacteremias.2 The most common infection involving P. mirabilis occurs when the bacteria, which is a memberof the natural intestinal flora, moves to the urethra and urinary bladder causingurinary tract infection. The outer-membrane lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isconsidered an important virulence factor of Proteus.3 Arabski et al. suggest that theimmunological response against P. mirabilis LPS might play a role in rheumatoidarthritis.4 A possible correlation between the abundanceof P. mirabilis in the intestine and obesity was suggestedrecently.5
Read here how to use our standards to ensure data integrity for your microbiome research.
Proteusmirabilis is a gram negative facultative anaerobicrod-shaped bacterium. Bacteria of the genus Proteus of the familyEnterobacteriaceae are opportunistic human pathogens responsible for wound andburn infections as well as skin, eye, ear, nose, throat, urinary tract, andgastrointestinal infections and bacteremias.2 The most common infection involving P. mirabilis occurs when the bacteria, which is a memberof the natural intestinal flora, moves to the urethra and urinary bladder causingurinary tract infection. The outer-membrane lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isconsidered an important virulence factor of Proteus.3 Arabski et al. suggest that theimmunological response against P. mirabilis LPS might play a role in rheumatoidarthritis.4 A possible correlation between the abundanceof P. mirabilis in the intestine and obesity was suggestedrecently.5
Read here how to use our standards to ensure data integrity for your microbiome research.
Inactivated bacteria are provided at >10^8 bacteria/ml concentration in TE buffer pH 8.0. It is recommended to avoid freeze thaw cycles of this product.
Suitable for Quantitative standard for PCR, Sequencing and NGS
Suitable for Quantitative standard for PCR, Sequencing and NGS
- Individual microbial standard for microbiomics and meta-genomics workflow
- Suitable standard for PCR, sequencing and NGS
- Improve Bioinformatics analyses
- Increases reproducibility
- Compare results lab to lab
Liquid -The inactivated bacteria is provided at >10^8 bacteria/ml in TE buffer pH 8.0
10 - Combustible liquids
Not applicable
Not applicable
Turn to our Next-Gen Sequencing Oligos (NGSO) as a potential solution if you are experiencing high levels of adapter dimer formation with custom adapters sourced from other vendors.
DNA standards enhance metagenomics research integrity, offering precise species study and mixed community standards.