Manufactured according to DIN 12 847, including 2 haemacytometer cover glasses.The ruling shows 9 large squares of 1 mm² each.The four large squares in the corners marked "L" for counting leucocytes are each subdivided into 16 squares with 0.25 mm sides.The large square in the center is subdivided into 16 squares with 0.25 mm sides.The large square in the center is subdivided into 25 group squares of 0.2 mm sides. Each group square consists of 16 mini squares with 0.05 mm sides, each having an area of 0.0025 mm². The 5 group squares in the large central square are used for counting thrombocytes and erythrocytes.All group squares have triple boundary lines on each side. The central line is the limiting line and determines whether cells in the marginal area shall be included in the count or not.
- BLAUBRAND® 计数器是一种精密的测量仪器,用于测定每体积单位的悬浮粒子数。
- 与改进牛鲍型具有相同刻度,但计数器底部采用铑涂层。
- 刻度刻在铑涂层中,在正常显微镜下显得明亮。
- 通过改变对比度,可颠倒显微镜下的图像,进而根据需要使刻度看起来更亮或更暗。
包括 2 个血细胞计数板盖玻片。尺寸为 24 mm Lx 26 mm Wx 0.4 mm H。它们也作为产品 BR723014 单独销售。
BLAUBRAND is a registered trademark of BRAND GMBH + CO KG
BRAND is a registered trademark of BRAND GMBH + CO KG