Ascentis® Express Biphenyl UHPLC and HPLC Columns
Enhanced selectivity for aromatic compound separation
The bonded, densely endcapped, dimethyl-biphenyl stationary phase of Ascentis® Express 90 Å Biphenyl, based on fused-core particles, provides a stable, reversed phase packing with enhanced π-π and mild steric interactions due to the two sequential phenyl groups bonded to the base silica. Ascentis® Express 90 Å Biphenyl can be used for basic, acidic, or neutral compounds. The alternate selectivity from C18 is especially useful for separating peaks that elute early on C18 and other phenyl phases.
Ascentis® Express 90 Å Biphenyl columns are best used with mobile phases that are mixtures of methanol and water or acetonitrile and water. Higher levels of the organic solvent component will typically reduce the retention of the sample compounds. Using elevated temperatures (e.g., 40 – 60 °C) will reduce the viscosity of the mobile phase and allow the use of faster flow rates and lower column pressure for high sample throughput. Gradient elution techniques using 5 -10% organic component as the initial mobile phase and increasing to 100% organic component as the final mobile phase often can effect separations of complex sample mixtures in minimal time.
Ionizable compounds, such as acids and bases, are generally best separated with mobile phases buffered at pH of 2 to 3. The use of 20-50 mM buffers is always recommended for optimum results and long-term stability when separating ionizable compounds
Biphenyl phase with Fused-Core® particle technology for separation of aromatic compounds
The Ascentis® Express 90 Å Biphenyl high-speed, high-performance liquid chromatography column is used for the separation of aromatic compounds and is based on a superficially porous Fused-Core® particle design. The Fused-Core® particle provides a thin porous shell of high-purity silica surrounding a solid silica core. This particle design exhibits very high column efficiency due to the shallow diffusion paths. Three different particle sizes are available for your specific needs:
2.0 µm particles
Best Fused-Core UHPLC Column
An optimized solution for high-throughput small molecule analysis
2.7 µm particles
Fast HPLC on ANY System
A practical solution that delivers UHPLC performance from any HPLC
5.0 µm particles
The Lab Work-Horse Column
True plug and play solution for improving existing 3 or 5 µm fully porous particle HPLC columns
Ascentis® Express 90 Å Biphenyl Guard Columns
