- Spectroscopic and TDDFT investigation on highly selective fluorogenic chemosensor and construction of molecular logic gates.
Spectroscopic and TDDFT investigation on highly selective fluorogenic chemosensor and construction of molecular logic gates.
Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications (2016-12-28)
Sabeel M Basheer, Saravana Loganathan Ashok Kumar, Moorthy Saravana Kumar, Anandaram Sreekanth
1,5-Bis(2-fluorene)thiocarbohydrazone (FBTC) was designed and synthesized for selective sensing of fluoride and copper ions. The binding constants of FBTC towards fluoride and copper ions have been calculated using the Benesi-Hildebrand equation, and FBTC has more binding affinity towards copper ion than fluoride ion. The