  • Printor, a novel torsinA-interacting protein implicated in dystonia pathogenesis.

Printor, a novel torsinA-interacting protein implicated in dystonia pathogenesis.

The Journal of biological chemistry (2009-06-19)
Lisa M Giles, Lian Li, Lih-Shen Chin

Early onset generalized dystonia (DYT1) is an autosomal dominant neurological disorder caused by deletion of a single glutamate residue (torsinA DeltaE) in the C-terminal region of the AAA(+) (ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities) protein torsinA. The pathogenic mechanism by which torsinA DeltaE mutation leads to dystonia remains unknown. Here we report the identification and characterization of a 628-amino acid novel protein, printor, that interacts with torsinA. Printor co-distributes with torsinA in multiple brain regions and co-localizes with torsinA in the endoplasmic reticulum. Interestingly, printor selectively binds to the ATP-free form but not to the ATP-bound form of torsinA, supporting a role for printor as a cofactor rather than a substrate of torsinA. The interaction of printor with torsinA is completely abolished by the dystonia-associated torsinA DeltaE mutation. Our findings suggest that printor is a new component of the DYT1 pathogenic pathway and provide a potential molecular target for therapeutic intervention in dystonia.