  • Model-driven mapping of transcriptional networks reveals the circuitry and dynamics of virulence regulation.

Model-driven mapping of transcriptional networks reveals the circuitry and dynamics of virulence regulation.

Genome research (2015-02-04)
Ezekiel J Maier, Brian C Haynes, Stacey R Gish, Zhuo A Wang, Michael L Skowyra, Alyssa L Marulli, Tamara L Doering, Michael R Brent

Key steps in understanding a biological process include identifying genes that are involved and determining how they are regulated. We developed a novel method for identifying transcription factors (TFs) involved in a specific process and used it to map regulation of the key virulence factor of a deadly fungus-its capsule. The map, built from expression profiles of 41 TF mutants, includes 20 TFs not previously known to regulate virulence attributes. It also reveals a hierarchy comprising executive, midlevel, and "foreman" TFs. When grouped by temporal expression pattern, these TFs explain much of the transcriptional dynamics of capsule induction. Phenotypic analysis of TF deletion mutants revealed complex relationships among virulence factors and virulence in mice. These resources and analyses provide the first integrated, systems-level view of capsule regulation and biosynthesis. Our methods dramatically improve the efficiency with which transcriptional networks can be analyzed, making genomic approaches accessible to laboratories focused on specific physiological processes.


杜氏改良 Eagle 培养基 - 高葡萄糖, With 4500 mg/L glucose, L-glutamine, sodium pyruvate, and sodium bicarbonate, liquid, sterile-filtered, suitable for cell culture
左旋多巴, ≥98% (TLC)
左旋多巴, Vetec, reagent grade, 98%