  • Cloning and chromosomal localization of a gene (GPR18) encoding a novel seven transmembrane receptor highly expressed in spleen and testis.

Cloning and chromosomal localization of a gene (GPR18) encoding a novel seven transmembrane receptor highly expressed in spleen and testis.

Genomics (1997-06-15)
I Gantz, A Muraoka, Y K Yang, L C Samuelson, E M Zimmerman, H Cook, T Yamada

Using the techniques of relaxed stringency polymerase chain reaction and genomic library screening, we have isolated homologous canine and human genes that encode a novel putative seven transmembrane G-protein-linked receptor. The gene encodes an open reading frame (ORF) of 993 bp. The sequences of the canine and human ORFs are highly conserved, sharing 89% nucleotide identity and 92% amino acid similarity between the two species. Northern blot analysis demonstrates that mRNA transcripts of the gene are abundantly expressed in testis and spleen with a lesser degree of expression observed in several other tissues associated with endocrine and immunologic/hematologic function. The gene, designated GPR18, was localized to human chromosome 13q32 using fluorescence in situ hybridization.