- TGN38/41: a molecule on the move.
TGN38/41: a molecule on the move.
Trends in cell biology (1993-08-01)
K K Stanley, K E Howell
TGN38/41 is a heterodimeric integral membrane protein that cycles between the trans Golgi network and the cell surface. A tyrosine-containing tetrapeptide motif within its cytoplasmic tail is necessary and sufficient for determining its steady-state location in the TGN. Recent results have shown that TGN38/41 plays an essential role in the formation of exocytic vesicles at the TGN by serving as a receptor for complexes of a cytoplasmic protein known as p62, and one of four small GTP-binding proteins, including rab6. For budding to occur, this complex must bind to the cytoplasmic domain of TGN38/41. We propose here that TGN38/41 may couple the segregation of secretory proteins to the budding of exocytic vesicles at the TGN.