- Formation of glutathione conjugates of prostaglandin A1 in human red blood cells.
Formation of glutathione conjugates of prostaglandin A1 in human red blood cells.
When prostaglandin A1 was incubated with a Tris/saline suspension of washed human red blood cells, a substantial amount was converted to polar metabolites. These were purified by solvent extraction, XAD-2 column, and cellulose thin layer chromatography and characterized by chromatography, amino acid analysis, and mass spectrometry. The polar metabolites were a mixture of two glutathione conjugates of prostaglandin A1. The first (approximately 40%) was identical with the product of the nonenzymic reaction of glutathione with prostaglandin A1. The second (approximately 60%) was formed from the first by reduction of the 9-keto group of the prostaglandin moiety. The latter compound was also prepared synthetically by treating the glutathione conjugate of prostaglandin A1 with sodium borohydride.