  • Preparation and applications of polypyrrole films in solid-phase microextraction.

Preparation and applications of polypyrrole films in solid-phase microextraction.

Journal of chromatography. A (2001-02-24)
J Wu, J Pawliszyn

Polypyrrole (PPY) and poly-N-phenylpyrrole (PPPY) films were prepared and applied for solid-phase microextraction (SPME). The extraction properties of the new films to volatile organic compounds were examined using an SPME device coupled with GC-flame ionization detection. A PPY-coated capillary was applied for in-tube SPME to evaluate its extraction efficiency towards less volatile compounds and ionic species. The porous surface structures of the films, revealed by scanning electron microscopy, provided high surface areas and allowed for high extraction efficiency. Compared with commercial SPME stationary phases, the new phases showed better selectivity and sensitivity toward polar, aromatic, basic and anionic compounds, due to their inherent multifunctional properties. In addition, PPY and PPPY films showed different selectivity to various groups of compounds studied, indicating that the selectivity of the films could be modified by introducing a new functional group (phenyl in PPPY) into the polymer. For in-tube SPME, the PPY-coated capillary showed superior extraction efficiency to commercial capillaries for a variety of compounds, demonstrating its potential applications for a wide range of analytes when coupled with HPLC. The sensitivity and selectivity of the films for SPME could be tuned by changing the film thickness. These results are in line with both the theoretical expectations and the results obtained by other methods, which indicate not only that PPY films can be used as new stationary phases for SPME. but also that SPME method may provide an alternative tool for studying materials like polypyrrole.


SUPELCOSIL LC-18 Supelguard 柱芯, 5 μm particle size, L × I.D. 2 cm × 4 mm