  • Construction and validation of an automated flow hydrogenation instrument for application in high-throughput organic chemistry.

Construction and validation of an automated flow hydrogenation instrument for application in high-throughput organic chemistry.

Journal of combinatorial chemistry (2007-12-22)
Bruce Clapham, Noel S Wilson, Melissa J Michmerhuizen, David P Blanchard, David M Dingle, Thomas A Nemcek, Jeffrey Y Pan, Daryl R Sauer

This manuscript details the construction of a fully automated flow hydrogenation apparatus for use in high-throughput organic synthesis. The instrument comprises of a Bohdan robot platform coupled with a ThalesNano H-cube hydrogenator and a series of solvent valves and pumping mechanisms. Using this instrument, we have been able to fully automate a number of key transformations that could not otherwise be conveniently undertaken in a high-throughput manner.