
The ETS factor TEL2 is a hematopoietic oncoprotein.

Blood (2005-10-20)
Cintia Carella, Mark Potter, Jacqueline Bonten, Jerold E Rehg, Geoffrey Neale, Gerard C Grosveld

TEL2/ETV7 is highly homologous to the ETS transcription factor TEL/ETV6, a frequent target of chromosome translocation in human leukemia. Although both proteins are transcriptional inhibitors binding similar DNA recognition sequences, they have opposite biologic effects: TEL inhibits proliferation while TEL2 promotes it. In addition, forced expression of TEL2 but not TEL blocks vitamin D3-induced differentiation of U937 and HL60 myeloid cells. TEL2 is expressed in the hematopoietic system, and its expression is up-regulated in bone marrow samples of some patients with leukemia, suggesting a role in oncogenesis. Recently we also showed that TEL2 cooperates with Myc in B lymphomagenesis in mice. Here we show that forced expression of TEL2 alone in mouse bone marrow causes a myeloproliferative disease with a long latency period but with high penetrance. This suggested that secondary mutations are necessary for disease development. Treating mice receiving transplants with TEL2-expressing bone marrow with the chemical carcinogen N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) resulted in significantly accelerated disease onset. Although the mice developed a GFP-positive myeloid disease with 30% of the mice showing elevated white blood counts, they all died of T-cell lymphoma, which was GFP negative. Together our data identify TEL2 as a bona fide oncogene, but leukemic transformation is dependent on secondary mutations.