- Dietary citric acid enhances absorption of aluminum in antacids.
Dietary citric acid enhances absorption of aluminum in antacids.
Ten healthy men ingested, twice daily between meals, during each of the seven-day experimental periods: (a) citric acid (as lemon juice), (b) Al(OH)3, or (c) Al(OH)3 + citric acid. Whole blood sampled after each dietary period was analyzed electrothermally after digestion with nitric acid. Moderate, but significant, increases in mean Al concentrations as compared with pretreatment values [5 (SD 3) micrograms of Al per liter] were seen after ingestion of either citric acid or Al(OH)3: 9 (SD 4) and 12 (SD 3) micrograms/L, respectively. Ingestion of both Al(OH)3 and citric acid resulted in a more pronounced, highly significant (p less than 0.001) increase in Al concentrations, to 23 (SD 2) micrograms Al/L, probably owing to formation and absorption of Al-citrate complexes.