- Influence of lysophosphatidylcholine on the gelation of diluted wheat starch suspensions.
Influence of lysophosphatidylcholine on the gelation of diluted wheat starch suspensions.
Starch is an omnipresent constituent which is used for its nutritional and structuring properties. Recently concerns have been raised since starch is a source of readily available glucose which is tightly correlated with diabetes type II and obesity. For this reason, the possibilities for modulating the digestibility of starch while preserving its functional properties were investigated; therefore the focus of this paper is on starch gelatinization and the effect of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) on the structuring properties of wheat starch. The effect of LPC on thermal properties and viscosity behavior of starch suspensions was studied using DSC and RVA, respectively. The influence on granular structure was observed by light microscopy. The RVA profile demonstrated no viscosity increase at high LPC concentrations which proves intact granular structure after gelatinization. LPC in intermediate concentrations resulted in a notable delay of pasting; however the peak and end viscosities were influenced as well. Lower LPC concentrations demonstrated a higher peak viscosity as compared with pure starch suspensions. DSC results imply that inclusion complexes of amylose-LPC might be formed during pasting time. Since the viscosity profiles are changed by LPC addition, swelling power and solubility of starch granules are influenced as well. LPC hinders swelling power and solubility of starch granules which are stimulated by heating.