- The pressure tunning Raman and IR spectral studies on the multinuclear metal carbyne complexes.
The pressure tunning Raman and IR spectral studies on the multinuclear metal carbyne complexes.
The Raman and infrared (IR) spectra of four tungsten metal carbyne complexes I, II, IV and V [Cl(CO)2(L)W[triple bond]CC6H4[triple bond](C[triple bond]CC6H4)n[triple bond]N[triple bond]C[triple bond]]2M (L = TMEDA, n = 0, M = PdI2 or ReCl(CO)3; L = DPPE, n = 1, M = PdI2 or ReCl(CO)3) were studied at high external pressure. Their pressure-induced phase transitions were observed near 20kbar (complexes I), 15 kbar (complexes II), 25 kbar (complex IV) and 30 kbar (complex V). The pressure-induced phase transition likely is first order in complex I and the pressure-induced phase transitions of complexes II, IV and V are mostly second order. The pressure sensitivities d nu/dp of nu(W[triple bond]C) are high in the low-pressure phase area and very low in the high-pressure phase area due to the pressure strengthening pi back-bonding from metal W to pi* orbital of C[triple bond]O in fragment Cl(CO)2(L)W[triple bond]C. The pressure strengthening metal pi back-bonding from metal Re or Pd to pi* orbital of C[triple bond]O or C[triple bond]N also happened to both of central metal centers of NCPd(I2)CN in complex I and NCReCl(CO)3CN in complex II.