  • Fasciola gigantica: tegumental surface alterations following treatment in vitro with the sulphoxide metabolite of triclabendazole.

Fasciola gigantica: tegumental surface alterations following treatment in vitro with the sulphoxide metabolite of triclabendazole.

Parasitology research (2002-05-10)
M Meaney, I Fairweather, G P Brennan, P Ramasamy, P B Subramanian

The effect of the active sulphoxide metabolite of the fasciolicide triclabendazole on the surface morphology of the tropical liver fluke, Fasciola gigantica, was determined in vitro by scanning electron microscopy. At a concentration of 10 microg/ml, swelling and blebbing of the tegument was evident after only 6 h incubation. The blebbing was focussed on the spines. With progressively longer incubation periods, blebbing on the spines became more severe, leading to tegumental sloughing and spine loss. Tegumental loss became more widespread and, after incubation periods of 18 h and 24 h in vitro, perforations of the basal lamina were evident and, in some cases, holes penetrated through the entire fluke in the tail region. The ventral surface was consistently more severely affected than the dorsal and similarly the posterior region of the fluke was more disrupted than the anterior region. The results confirm the potent activity of triclabendazole against F. gigantica.


Triclabendazole sulfoxide, VETRANAL®, analytical standard