- Field-amplified on-line sample stacking for separation and determination of cimaterol, clenbuterol and salbutamol using capillary electrophoresis.
Field-amplified on-line sample stacking for separation and determination of cimaterol, clenbuterol and salbutamol using capillary electrophoresis.
A capillary electrophoresis method, using field-amplified sample injection (FASI), was developed for separation and determination of some beta 2-agonists, such as cimaterol, clenbuterol and salbutamol. The optimum conditions for this system had been investigated in detail. The precision of the migration time, peak height and accuracy were determined in both intra-day (n = 5) and inter-day (n = 15) assays. Under the optimum conditions, the detection limits (defined as S/N = 3) of this method were found to be lower than 2.0 ng/mL for all of these three beta 2-agonists, which were much lower than that of the conventional electro-migration injection method, the enhancement factors were greatly improved to be 30-40-fold. Such lower detection limit lets this method to be suitable for determination of above-mentioned beta 2-agonists in the urine sample. The mean recoveries in urine were higher than 96.2%, 95.6% and 95.3% for cimaterol, clenbuterol and salbutamol, respectively, with relative standard deviations lower than 3.5%.