  • Evaluation of a sphere-templated polymeric scaffold as a subcutaneous implant.

Evaluation of a sphere-templated polymeric scaffold as a subcutaneous implant.

JAMA facial plastic surgery (2013-01-19)
Amit D Bhrany, Colleen A Irvin, Kenji Fujitani, Zada Liu, Buddy D Ratner

To evaluate the performance of a sphere-templated poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (poly[HEMA]) tissue scaffold as a subcutaneous implant by comparing it with widely used high-density porous polyethylene (HDPPE) implant material. We implanted sphere-templated porous poly-(HEMA) and HDPPE disks into the dorsal subcutis of C57BL/6 mice for 4 and 9 weeks. Excisional biopsy specimens of the implants and surrounding tissue were assessed for host inflammatory response, tissue ingrowth, and neovascularization using trichrome, picrosirius red, and anti-endothelial cell antibody staining. The poly(HEMA) and HDPPE implants showed resistance to extrusion and elicited a minimal inflammatory response. Both implants supported cellular and collagen ingrowth, but ingrowth within the HDPPE implant was thicker owing to the larger porous structure (>100 μm) of HDPPE, whereas the poly(HEMA) implant had much thinner collagen fibrils within much smaller (40-μm) pores, suggestive of less scar-type reaction. Neovascularization was supported by both implants. Blood vessels were identified within the fibrous ingrowth of the HDPPE and within individual pores of the poly(HEMA). Sphere-templated poly(HEMA) implanted as a subcutaneous tissue scaffold stimulates a minimal inflammatory response and supports cellular infiltration, collagen formation, and neovascularization. Because of its tightly controlled porous structure, poly-(HEMA) appears to induce less scar-type ingrowth compared with HDPPE.


聚甲基丙烯酸-2-羟乙酯, BioReagent, powder, suitable for cell culture
聚甲基丙烯酸-2-羟乙酯, average Mv 300,000, crystalline
聚甲基丙烯酸-2-羟乙酯, average Mv 20,000
聚甲基丙烯酸-2-羟乙酯, average Mv 1,000,000