- [Alginates in the treatment of postgastroresection reflux esophagitis].
[Alginates in the treatment of postgastroresection reflux esophagitis].
To evaluate the efficacy of alginates in the treatment of postgastroresection reflux esophagitis. Thirty-four post-Billroth II distal gastrectomy patients with reflux esophagitis and without erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastric stump and anastomosis, who had received geviscon monotherapy for 6 weeks, were examined. Their symptoms and the data of esophagogastroduodenoscopy and impedance pH monitoring were assessed to control treatment results. There was statistically significant relief of the subjective (heartburn and bitter taste in the mouth) and objective symptoms of the disease and the reflux esophagitis in geviscon-treated patients. Geviscon is the drug of choice for treating reflux esophagitis in patients after partial distal gastrectomy provided that the acid-forming function of the gastric mucosa is minimally preserved.