  • Facile synthesis of iv-vi SnS nanocrystals with shape and size control: nanoparticles, nanoflowers and amorphous nanosheets.

Facile synthesis of iv-vi SnS nanocrystals with shape and size control: nanoparticles, nanoflowers and amorphous nanosheets.

Nanoscale (2010-09-08)
Jiajia Ning, Kangkang Men, Guanjun Xiao, Li Wang, Quanqin Dai, Bo Zou, Bingbing Liu, Guangtian Zou

SnS nanocrystals have been synthesized in a simple and facile way. Sn(6)O(4)(OH)(4) is introduced to synthesize tin sulfide, which is used as tin precursor. By changing the reaction conditions (reaction temperature and Sn/S molar ratio), SnS nanocrystals with different shape and size can be produced. SnS nanoparticles and nanoflowers with orthorhombic crystal structure have uniform size distribution. The SnS nanoflowers firstly transform to polycrystalline nanoflowers, and then become amorphous nanosheets. The drive force of amorphization reduces the high free-energy of nanocrystals. The layered crystal structure of SnS is the main reason for the shape evolution and amorphization processes. The optical properties of nanoparticles are investigated by optical absorption spectra. The optical direct band gap and optical indirect band gap in SnS nanoparticles are 3.6 eV and 1.6 eV, respectively. Compared to direct band gap (1.3 eV) and indirect band gap (1.09 eV) in bulk SnS, both direct transition and indirect transition in nanoparticles show an obvious quantum-size effect.