  • In vitro evaluation of iron solubility and dialyzability of various iron fortificants and of iron-fortified milk products targeted for infants and toddlers.

In vitro evaluation of iron solubility and dialyzability of various iron fortificants and of iron-fortified milk products targeted for infants and toddlers.

International journal of food sciences and nutrition (2005-08-13)
Maria Kapsokefalou, Isidora Alexandropoulou, Michail Komaitis, Ioannis Politis

The objectives of the present study were: to compare the solubility and dialyzability of various iron fortificants (iron pyrophosphate, ferrous bis-glycinate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous lactate, ferrous sulfate) added, in the presence of ascorbic acid, to pasteurized milk samples produced under laboratory conditions; and to compare the solubility and dialyzability of iron in commercial pasteurized, UHT and condensed milk products available in the Greek market fortified with various vitamins and minerals including iron and targeted towards infants (6-12 months old) and toddlers. Iron solubility and dialyzability were determined using a simulated gastrointestinal digestive system. Ferrous dialyzable iron (molecular weight lower than 8000) was used as an index for prediction of iron bioavailability. Ferrous dialyzable iron in pasteurized milk samples fortified with iron pyrophosphate, ferrous lactate and ferrous bis-glycinate was higher (P < 0.05) than that in milk samples fortified with ferrous sulfate and ferrous gluconate. In commercial liquid pasteurized or UHT milk products, formation of ferrous dialyzable iron in products fortified with ferrous lactate was not different (P > 0.05) from those fortified with ferrous sulfate. Ferrous dialyzable iron in four condensed commercial milk products was higher (P < 0.05) than the corresponding values of the liquid UHT milk samples fortified with the same fortificant (ferrous sulfate). Ferrous dialyzable iron was higher (P < 0.05) in products targeted for infants compared with those targeted for toddlers. In conclusion, the type of iron source, milk processing and the overall product composition affect formation of ferrous dialyzable iron and may determine the success and effectiveness of iron fortification of milk.


乳酸铁(II) 水合物, ≥98.0% (dried material)