  • Inhibition of growth of microcultured Hancornia speciosa shoots by 3beta-hydroxylated gibberellins and one of their C-3 deoxy precursors.

Inhibition of growth of microcultured Hancornia speciosa shoots by 3beta-hydroxylated gibberellins and one of their C-3 deoxy precursors.

Plant cell reports (2003-06-06)
A B Pereira-Netto, B H McCown, R P Pharis

Gibberellins (GAs) A(1), A(3), A(4) and A(7), all 3beta-hydroxylated, growth-active GAs, significantly inhibited shoot elongation and the formation of nodes in in vitro-grown Hancornia speciosa, as did GA(20), a 3-deoxy precursor of GA(1). Ancymidol, an early-stage inhibitor of GA biosynthesis, significantly retarded shoot elongation without affecting the formation of nodes. Co-application of ancymidol and GA(1 )did not overcome the ancymidol-induced growth retardation. Trinexapac-ethyl, which can inhibit 3beta-hydroxylation (GA activation) and 2beta-hydroxylation (GA inactivation), gave no significant response on either shoot elongation or node formation, while two isomers of 16,17-dihydro GA(5), also inhibitors of GA 3beta-hydroxylation, significantly inhibited both shoot growth and the formation of nodes. These unusual results may indicate a unique metabolism for GAs in microcultured shoots of H. speciosa.


嘧啶醇, BioReagent, suitable for plant cell culture