  • Construction of an effective screening system for detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing inhibitors and its application in bioautographic thin-layer chromatography.

Construction of an effective screening system for detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing inhibitors and its application in bioautographic thin-layer chromatography.

Biotechnology letters (2011-02-24)
Linna Wang, Shanshan Zou, Shouliang Yin, Hongbing Liu, Wengong Yu, Qianhong Gong

In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, quorum sensing (QS) regulates dozens of genes and proteins, many of which contribute to the virulence of this pathogen. QS inhibitory (QSI) compounds have been proposed as potential agents for treatment of bacterial infections. To search for Ps. aeruginosa QS inhibitors, we constructed an effective screening system, QSIS-lasI selector, based on the PlasI-sacB reporter, in which QS could be induced with 20 nM 3-oxo-N-[(3S)-tetrahydro-2-oxo-3-furanyl]-dodecanamide (3-oxo-C(12)-HSL). During screening of the crude extracts from 65 marine fungi, an isolate of Penicillium atramentosum was found to have QSI activity. Thin-layer chromatography assay of the fungal extracts for bioautographic identification of QSIS-lasI indicated that this fungus produced several QSI compounds, including QS inhibitors other than penicillic acid or patulin.