  • The interplay of α-amylase and amyloglucosidase activities on the digestion of starch in in vitro enzymic systems.

The interplay of α-amylase and amyloglucosidase activities on the digestion of starch in in vitro enzymic systems.

Carbohydrate polymers (2014-12-17)
Frederick J Warren, Bin Zhang, Gina Waltzer, Michael J Gidley, Sushil Dhital

In vitro hydrolysis assays are a key tool in understanding differences in rate and extent of digestion of starchy foods. They offer a greater degree of simplicity and flexibility than dynamic in vitro models or in vivo experiments for quantifiable, mechanistic exploration of starch digestion. In the present work the influence of α-amylase and amyloglucosidase activities on the digestion of maize and potato starch granules was measured using both glucose and reducing sugar assays. Data were analysed through initial rates of digestion, and by 1st order kinetics, utilising logarithm of slope (LOS) plots. The rate and extent of starch digestion was dependent on the activities of both enzymes and the type of starch used. Potato required more enzyme than maize to achieve logarithmic reaction curves, and complete digestion. The results allow targeted design of starch digestion experiments through a thorough understanding of the contributions of α-amylase and amyloglucosidase to digestion rates.


α-淀粉酶 来源于猪胰腺, PMSF Treated, Type I-A, saline suspension, ≥1000 units/mg protein (E1%/280)