
HA and HS Changes in Endothelial Inflammatory Activation.

Biomolecules (2021-06-03)
Elena Caravà, Paola Moretto, Ilaria Caon, Arianna Parnigoni, Alberto Passi, Evgenia Karousou, Davide Vigetti, Jessica Canino, Ilaria Canobbio, Manuela Viola

Cardiovascular diseases are a group of disorders caused by the presence of a combination of risk factors, such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet and obesity, physical inactivity, etc., which cause the modification of the composition of the vessel's matrix and lead to the alteration of blood flow, matched with an inflammation condition. Nevertheless, it is not clear if the inflammation is a permissive condition or a consequent one. In order to investigate the effect of inflammation on the onset of vascular disease, we treated endothelial cells with the cytokine TNF-α that is increased in obese patients and is reported to induce cardiometabolic diseases. The inflammation induced a large change in the extracellular matrix, increasing the pericellular hyaluronan and altering the heparan sulfate Syndecans sets, which seems to be related to layer permeability but does not influence cell proliferation or migration nor induce blood cell recruitment or activation.


Anti-Syndecan-4 Antibody, from rabbit, purified by affinity chromatography